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Usage Examples

This page provides links to a number of examples tht demonstrate how the setup and syntax to use BTCRecover in a number of different recovery scenarios. (Generally with a corresponding YouTube video)

The commands given can be pretty much copy/pasted as-is to allow you to recreate the examples given in the YouTube video.

Note: Some changes may be required based on your platform, often simple things like using "python" vs "python3".

Python Version: Many of these videos were created using different forks of BTCRecover. The resources and commands here may differ slightly, but are designed to work with this fork under Python3.

Seed Recovery

Basic Seed Recoveries (Demonstrates the basic commands that you would use for a recovery with various types of wallets)

Descrambling 12 word BIP39 Seeds (Demonstrates Using a TokenList for unscramblng seeds for Electrum Legacy, Electrum Segwit, BIP39 Bitcoin and BIP39 Ethereum)

Multi-Device Descrambling 12 word Seed with Extra words (Demonstrates "Required" Anchors, "Positional" Anchors and Spreading Work Accross Multiple Devices)

Grouping words together in tokenlist based seed recoveries (Demonstrates descrambling a 24 word seed where there several groups of words known to follow one another, but the position of these groups within the seed is unknown)

Checking Swapped Words (Demonstrates seed recovery where there have been two word swaps applied to words within the mnemonic)

Password Recovery

Basic Password Recoveries (Demonstrates the basic commands that you would use for a recovery with various types of wallets)

Recovering Wallet Passwords (Demonstrates recovering wallet, using an Extract script, tokenLists, passwordlists and different types or typos)

Multi-GPU Accelerated Recovery using (Demonstrates use of the service with wallet extracts and also arguments required for mutli-gpu accelerated recovery of and Bitcoin Core Wallets)

AddressDB Creation